Surface Metrology Software

At TrueGage, we empower industries to capture, analyze, and manage surface data with true accuracy. Our flagship surface metrology software, TrueMap 6, offers advanced 3D and 2D surface visualization, enabling users to extract deeper insights from their measurements. Whether you're analyzing surface roughness, texture, or profile data, TrueGage provides the tools you need to ensure precision in every project.
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Featured Testimonial
We use TrueMap and TrueSurf daily for custom analysis and report generation on a wide variety of applications from roughness and waviness of micro polished substrates to characterizing texture on items such as biological tissue and embossed products. TrueGage software allows us to seamlessly upload and analyze data from our measurement systems to give our customers metrics to judge and control their processes.
Louie Carpentier (
Sr. Topography Specialist / Major Project Lead
TrueMap 6
3D Surface Texture Analysis Software
Compatible with contact stylus profilometers, areal optical profilers, white light interferometers, confocal microscopes, laser scanning systems, and many other advanced surface measurement tools.
Features -
- Unparalleled surface rendering capability
- ASME & ISO parameter calculation
- Remove outliers, fill non-measured regions
- Support for over 20 OEM and standard file formats
- Dimensional measurement of distances, heights, angles, radii, etc.
- Particle analysis with threshsold and watershed segmentation
- Step height analysis
- Volume calculations
- Import point cloud data

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